50 Spanish Quotes and positive phrases about life

Are you looking to infuse your life with positivity, inspiration, and wisdom? Do you yearn to explore the beauty of the Spanish language and its rich cultural heritage?

If your answers are a resounding “Yes!”, then you’ve stumbled upon the perfect article. Get ready to dive into a collection of uplifting Spanish quotes and sayings about happiness, resilience, and the art of living a fulfilling life.

In this article, we bring you 50 thought-provoking Spanish quotes that will captivate your heart and stimulate your mind. Each quote holds a profound message, encapsulating the wisdom of centuries and the vibrancy of the Spanish-speaking world.

Join us on a journey where we unravel the meaning behind each Spanish saying, exploring the power of perseverance, the significance of self-belief, and the timeless pursuit of happiness. We’ll delve into the cultural context that has shaped these quotes and delve deep into their universal insights.

Discover how the Spanish culture embraces the beauty of the present moment, finding strength in adversity, and cherishing the journey towards success. From iconic figures in Spanish history to popular proverbs that have stood the test of time, you’ll uncover a tapestry of wisdom that speaks to the human experience.

So, whether you’re seeking motivational mantras, nuggets of life advice, or simply a taste of Spanish culture, this article has it all. Get ready to be inspired, enlightened, and uplifted by these marvelous Spanish quotes about life.

Let’s embark on this remarkable journey together as we unravel the wonders of Spanish wisdom and uncover the true joy in embracing every moment.

Spanish Quotes about life with their meaning

Here are a few quotes and sayings about life from prominent figures in Spanish history that highlight the beauty and passion inherent in Spanish culture.

1. “No importa cuán lenta sea tu progresión, siempre y cuando no te detengas.”

“No importa cuán lenta sea tu progresión, siempre y cuando no te detengas” means literally “It doesn’t matter how slow your progression is, as long as you don’t stop.”

This is a Spanish proverbs that want to enhance the power of
perseverance, as it is really not important how quick you reach your goal, but that you actually don´t give up and get to do it.

That shows the positive thinking of the Spanish people and their culture.

2. “El éxito no es la clave de la felicidad. La felicidad es la clave del éxito.”

“El éxito no es la clave de la felicidad. La felicidad es la clave del éxito” translates in English as “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.”

This is one of the quotes from Spain that flips conventional wisdom on its head. Generally, people focus on achieving success to find happiness, but this quote emphasizes that to truly be successful, a person has to find genuine happiness. The essence here is that true success comes from doing what brings you joy.

3. “Nunca es tarde para ser lo que podrías haber sido.”

“Nunca es tarde para ser lo que podrías haber sido” translates to “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.”

This is one of the Spanish sayings about life that embodies the virtue of optimism. It gives the message of hope and a chance to start afresh regardless of past mistakes or missed opportunities. It emphasizes the idea that it’s never too late to follow your passion and achieve your dreams.

4. “El miedo es el mayor obstáculo para alcanzar tus sueños.”

“El miedo es el mayor obstáculo para alcanzar tus sueños” translates to “Fear is the greatest obstacle to achieve your dreams.”

This is a nugget of wisdom from Spanish proverbs that cautions about the paralyzing effects of fear. It encourages individuals to conquer their fears if they want to accomplish great things in life. The message drives home the Spanish motto that life Spanish quotes often emphasize, the spirit of courage and resilience.

5. “No sueñes tu vida. Vive tus sueños.”

“No sueñes tu vida. Vive tus sueños” translates as “Don’t dream your life. Live your dreams.”

This Spanish proverb comes as a powerful reminder to not just imagine a perfect life but to actively pursuit our dreams and goals. Assertively living out our dreams allows for a richer, proactive life. This is how ‘good’ in Spanish is embodied–embracing the process of turning dreams into reality.

6. “El fracaso no es el final. Es el comienzo de algo nuevo y mejor.”

“El fracaso no es el final. Es el comienzo de algo nuevo y mejor.” translates to “Failure is not the end. It is the start of something new and better.”

This Spanish saying presents failure as an opportunity for growth, suggesting that you shouldn’t be dejected or mark failure as a dead-end. Instead, failure should be utilized as a fresh start, laying the foundation of something much better, enabling an improved version of oneself or one’s idea which exhibits growth and strength.

With this positive approach towards life, it denotes the Spanish mindset of resilience and optimism against all odds, fostering a rich sense of inner peace, or ‘rest in peace’ in Spanish.

Every day, use these Spanish quotes about life to set a positive and resilient tone for your day and, as Spanish saying goes: “Lo que hagas hoy puede mejorar todos tus mañanas,” – “What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.” Translate, embody, and continue to inspire with Spanish proverbs.

7. “Sigue adelante por cada túnel, al final siempre hay una luz.”

“Sigue adelante por cada túnel, al final siempre hay una luz” translates to “Keep moving through each tunnel, there is always a light at the end.”

The proverb reminds us to persevere, to keep marching forward through difficulties and hardships. Because a tunnel, no matter how dark and long, it is not endless. This Spanish saying about life firmly points towards the idea of survival and conquering each tunnel-like situation which comes our way.

8. “No te limites. Muchas personas se limitan a lo que piensan que pueden hacer.”

“No te limites. Muchas personas se limitan a lo que piensan que pueden hacer” translates to “Do not limit yourself. Most people limit themselves to what they think they can do.”

This quote acts as an encouragement to push past self-set limits. Realize your potential, break out of your mental blocks and you will be amazed at what you can achieve. This Spanish motto showcases the typical ‘can-do’ attitude of Spanish-speaking people.

9. “Todo lo que puedas imaginar, es real y posible.”

“Todo lo que puedas imaginar, es real y posible” translates to “Everything that you can imagine is real and possible.”

This Spanish quote encourages the power of imagination and the belief in making the impossible possible. It points to the limitless nature of the human mind and inspires us to go out and realize our most fantastic dreams and aspirations.

10. “No te compares con otros, cada uno tiene su camino y sus tiempos.”

“No te compares con otros, cada uno tiene su camino y sus tiempos” translates to “Don’t compare yourself with others, each one has their own path and timing.”

This Spanish saying encourages us to focus on our individual journey and advises against comparing ours to anyone else’s. Celebrate your unique process and pace rather than fostering envy or inadequacy. This is a common life Spanish quote reflected in many Spanish customs and ways of living.

11. “Aquel que no lucha por el futuro que desea, debe aceptar el futuro que llegará.”

“Aquel que no lucha por el futuro que desea, debe aceptar el futuro que llegará.” translates to “Whoever does not fight for the future they want, must accept the future that will come.”

This quote serves as a reminder of our role and responsibility in shaping our own destiny. We have the power to influence our future through our actions today. Following this Spanish saying about life, the Spanish community prides itself in accumulating good karma by taking charge of their own destiny. Spanish mottos often reflect this pursuit for a ‘good journey’ in Spanish.

There are many such Spanish sayings about life. Each of these Spanish quotes helps us to better understand the Spanish lifestyle and its emphasis on self-improvement, optimistic attitudes, and heartfelt wisdom.

12. “La vida es un 10% lo que te ocurre, y un 90% cómo reaccionas a ello.”

“La vida es un 10% lo que te ocurre, y un 90% cómo reaccionas a ello” translates to “Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it.”

This Spanish saying about life emphasizes the importance of our reactions and perceptions. No matter what happens, how we interpret and respond to it leads to the ultimate result. This quote instills the perspective of turning obstacles into stepping stones.

13. “Vive como si fueras a morir mañana, aprende como si fueras a vivir para siempre.”

“Vive como si fueras a morir mañana, aprende como si fueras a vivir para siempre” translates as “Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever.”

This quote encourages us to live each day to the fullest while continuously striving for knowledge and improvement. It captures the balance between seizing the day with embracing long-term growth. Balancing enjoyment and continuous learning is a core aspect of the quote’s messaging and the Spanish lifestyle.

14. “No esperes el momento perfecto, toma el momento y hazlo perfecto.”

“No esperes el momento perfecto, toma el momento y hazlo perfecto” translates to “Don’t wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect.”

This Spanish saying about life encourages us to seize each moment, even if it seems imperfect and make the best out of it. It addresses the habit of delaying actions while waiting for the ‘perfect’ timing that may never arrive.

15. “El éxito es la suma de pequeños esfuerzos, repetidos día tras día.”

“El éxito es la suma de pequeños esfuerzos, repetidos día tras día” translates to “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day after day.”

This Spanish saying is a reminder that the journey to success is often gradual and requires consistent effort. It reminds us to keep moving ‘forward in Spanish’ (adelante en español) with persistent dedication towards our goals.

16. “No temas a las sombras, solo significan que hay una luz resplandeciente cerca.”

“No temas a las sombras, solo significan que hay una luz resplandeciente cerca” translates to “Do not fear the shadows, they only mean that there is a dazzling light nearby.”

This Spanish quote about happiness in Spanish (felicidad en español) encourages an optimistic outlook even when faced with adversity and challenges. The shadows are symbolic of hardships and challenges, whereas the dazzling light represents success and ‘good in Spanish’ (bueno en español).

17. “Ser derrotado es a menudo una condición temporal. Rendirse es lo que hace que sea permanente.”

“Ser derrotado es a menudo una condición temporal. Rendirse es lo que hace que sea permanente” translates to “Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.”

This Spanish quote imparts an important lesson about persistence. Even when we face defeat, it is temporary. Giving up is a permanent defeat. This Spanish saying about life inspires resilience and to keep pushing forward despite setbacks.

18. “El éxito no es la clave para la felicidad. La felicidad es la clave para el éxito.”

This Spanish proverb translates as “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.”

It suggests that success doesn’t necessarily lead to happiness. Instead, when one is truly happy and content, it often leads to their success. It is the same quote from earlier, reminding us of how important positivity and happiness in Spanish culture are,

19. “Nunca se sabe lo fuerte que eres, hasta que ser fuerte es la única opción que te queda.”

“Nunca se sabe lo fuerte que eres, hasta que ser fuerte es la única opción que te queda” – translates to “One never knows how strong he is, until being strong is the only choice left.”

This Spanish quote teaches us about the degree of our inner strength. We realize our true strength when we face challenges where the only option is to be strong and overcome them. This saying in Spanish testifies strength in adversity often reinforcing the survival instincts.

20. “Nada es permanente en este mundo malvado, ni siquiera nuestros problemas.”

“Nada es permanente en este mundo malvado, ni siquiera nuestros problemas.” – translates to “Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles.”

This Spanish quote brings our attention to the impermanence of everything in life. It suggests that even though we may face difficult times, they are not permanent, and everything passes eventually, allowing us to have hope and patience in adversity. This quote embodies the ‘come back in Spanish’ (volver en español) spirit.

21. “Solo tú decides cómo va a ser tu día. ¡Haz que sea increíble!”

“Solo tú decides cómo va a ser tu día. ¡Haz que sea increíble!” – translates to “Only you decide how your day will be. Make it amazing!”

This Spanish quote motivates us to take control of our daily experience, encouraging us to actively shape our lives rather than passively accepting it. This empowers us in asserting ourselves and making the most out of each day – a commonly held value in Spanish-speaking countries.

22. “Si te caes siete veces, levántate ocho.”

“Si te caes siete veces, levántate ocho” translates to “If you fall seven times, get up eight.”

This Spanish proverb is a timeless reminder about the power of resilience. It reminds us that falls and failures are a part of life, but they shouldn’t be the end. The essence of this quote is to never give up, no matter how many times you’re knocked down, and keep striving until you achieve your goals.

23. “Un viaje de mil millas, comienza con un simple paso.”

“Un viaje de mil millas, comienza con un simple paso” translates to “A journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step.”

A common Spanish saying teaching us that big achievements usually start small. It’s about taking that first step and gradually moving towards realization of your goals, embodying the Spanish attitude of ‘a good journey in Spanish.’

24. “La vida es corta. No hay tiempo para dejar que el miedo se interponga en el camino de tus sueños.”

“La vida es corta. No hay tiempo para dejar que el miedo se interponga en el camino de tus sueños” translates to “Life is short. There is no time to let fear stand in the way of your dreams.”

For years, Spanish qoutes echo the spirit of valuing life and facing fears boldly. This quote advises us to optimize our lives by overcoming fear, which often acts as an obstacle in the pursuit of our dreams.

25. “Todo está al alcance de la mano, si estás dispuesto a esforzarte.”

“Todo está al alcance de la mano, si estás dispuesto a esforzarte” translates to “Everything is within reach, if you’re willing to make an effort.”

In the Spanish-speaking world, there exists a keen sense of drive and ambition, mirrored within this quote. It reminds us that we can achieve anything we set our minds to, as long as we are willing to put in the hard work.

26. “El cambio es duro al principio, desordenado en el medio, pero glorioso al final.”

“El cambio es duro al principio, desordenado en el medio, pero glorioso al final” translates to “Change is hard at the beginning, messy in the middle, but glorious at the end.”

This Spanish quote endorses the process of change, as scary and uncomfortable as it might initially be. It reiterates that the result after this seemingly tough journey is rewarding, capturing the typical Spanish essence of overcoming hardship.

27. “Todo gran sueño comienza con un soñador.”

“Todo gran sueño comienza con un soñador” translates to “Every great dream begins with a dreamer.”

Probably one of the most motivational Spanish sayings about life, it emphasizes the central role a dreamer plays in turning big dreams into reality. Aspiring to be more and achieve more, typical traits among the Spanish, are effectively portrayed in these lines.

28. “La única manera de hacer un excelente trabajo, es amar lo que haces.”

“La única manera de hacer un excelente trabajo, es amar lo que haces” translates as “The only way to do a great job is to love what you do.”

This popular Spanish proverb accentuates the importance of passion at work. To excel in your work, you need to feel an intense affection towards it, reflective of the Spanish work ethics seen in life Spanish quotes.

29. “El fracaso es una gran oportunidad para empezar de nuevo con más inteligencia.”

“El fracaso es una gran oportunidad para empezar de nuevo con más inteligencia” translates to “Failure is a great opportunity to start again more intelligently.”

This is a great perspective on failure reflected in Spanish proverbs. In Spain, failure isn’t seen as the end but as a learning experience that can pave the way for a more enlightened attempt.

30. “Cada día es una oportunidad para cambiar tu vida.”

“Cada día es una oportunidad para cambiar tu vida” translates to “Every day is an opportunity to change your life.”

Yet another valuable Spanish saying from Spain stressing the power of a fresh start and new beginnings. Reinvention and transformation are always possible – each new day is a chance to become a better version of yourself.

31. “Cree en ti y todo será posible.”

“Cree en ti y todo será posible.” translates to “Believe in yourself and everything will be possible.”

One of the most powerful quotes from Spain, and widely used in Spanish tattoo quotes, its good in Spanish to instill an attitude to believe in one’s abilities, it suggests that having self-confidence can turn one’s dreams into reality.

32. “No limites tus desafíos, desafía tus límites.”

“No limites tus desafíos, desafía tus límites.” translates to “Do not limit your challenges, challenge your limits.”

This Spanish proverb reminds us not to avoid challenges but rather to overcome them, pushing our boundaries to unveil our maximum potential.

33. “El futuro pertenece a los que creen en la belleza de sus sueños.”

“El futuro pertenece a los que creen en la belleza de sus sueños.” translates to “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

This Spanish quotes about life points towards the consequence of truly believing in your dreams. The beauty of our dreams is the driving force behind our actions. So, it emphasizes the importance of maintaining faith in our dreams and heading towards a bright future.

34. “Confía en el tiempo, que suele dar dulces salidas a muchas amargas dificultades.”

“Confía en el tiempo, que suele dar dulces salidas a muchas amargas dificultades.” translates as “Trust in time, which often gives sweet exits to many bitter difficulties.”

This Spanish quote looks at time as the greatest healer, emphasizing that as times pass, intractable problems often find unexpected and pleasant solutions.

35. “La vida es como andar en bicicleta. Para mantener el equilibrio, debes seguir adelante.”

“La vida es como andar en bicicleta. Para mantener el equilibrio, debes seguir adelante.” translates as “Life is like riding a bicycle. To maintain balance, you must keep moving forward.”

This Spanish quotes about life compares life to a bicycle ride, in that to maintain balance and not fall, you need to constantly move forward regardless of the challenges you face.

36. “No pienses en las metas que aún quedan por alcanzar, sino en las que ya has conseguido.”

“No pienses en las metas que aún quedan por alcanzar, sino en las que ya has conseguido.” translates as “Don’t think about the goals that you have not yet achieved, but those you have already achieved.”

This Spanish proverb reminds us of the importance of appreciating what we’ve accomplished, which often gets overlooked when we constantly strive for more.

37. “No te des por vencido, el comienzo es siempre lo más difícil.”

“No te des por vencido, el comienzo es siempre lo más difícil.” translates as “Don’t give up, the beginning is always the hardest.”

Used quite often in Spanish sayings about life, it suggests that initial challenges diminish as we continue to strive and keep pushing forward.

38. “Cada desafío, cada adversidad, contiene dentro sí la semilla de una oportunidad y crecimiento mayor.”

“Cada desafío, cada adversidad, contiene dentro sí la semilla de una oportunidad y crecimiento mayor.” translates to “Every challenge, every adversity, contains within it the seed of a greater opportunity and growth.”

This Spanish quote presents challenges and adversities as opportunities for personal growth, akin to a seed capable of yielding a bountiful harvest.

39. “Eres más fuerte de lo que piensas y más capaz de lo que imaginas.”

“Eres más fuerte de lo que piensas y más capaz de lo que imaginas.” translates as “You are stronger than you think and more capable than you imagine.”

This Spanish quote is a confidence booster. It reinstates our capabilities and strengths in areas we otherwise might doubt ourselves.

40. “Lo único imposible es aquello que no intentas.”

“Lo único imposible es aquello que no intentas.” translates as “The only impossible thing is that which you do not attempt.”

The quote implies a sense of never giving up, another showing of ‘forward in Spanish’, highlighting the idea that we’d never know what we’re capable of unless we take that leap of faith and try.

41. “La llave de la felicidad está dentro de ti. No la busques fuera.”

“La llave de la felicidad está dentro de ti. No la busques fuera.” – translates as “The key to happiness is within you. Don’t search for it outside.”

This quote reiterates that happiness is not reliant on external factors, but a product of our inner self, mindset, and perspective.

42. “No midas tu riqueza por el dinero que tienes, mídela por aquellas cosas que no cambiarías por dinero.”

“No midas tu riqueza por el dinero que tienes, mídela por aquellas cosas que no cambiarías por dinero” translates to “Don’t measure your wealth by the money you have, measure it by those things you wouldn’t exchange for money.”

This Spanish quote reminds us that true wealth is not an accumulation of material possessions but cherished moments, relationships, and experiences.

43. “Los obstáculos no bloquean el camino, ellos son el camino.”

“Los obstáculos no bloquean el camino, ellos son el camino.” translates as “Obstacles do not block the path, they are the path.”

This Spanish saying teaches us to view obstacles as part of our journey, not objects hindering our path but elements that define it.

44. “Cada día brinda nuevas oportunidades para crecer y mejorar.”

“Cada día brinda nuevas oportunidades para crecer y mejorar.” translates as “Each day brings new opportunities for growth and improvement.”

A quote suggesting optimism and the power of a new day in Spanish Qoutes, it conveys the idea of each day as a fresh start full of endless possibilities for self-development.

45. “Mantén siempre tu rostro hacia el sol y las sombras caerán detrás de ti.”

“Mantén siempre tu rostro hacia el sol y las sombras caerán detrás de ti.” translates as “Always keep your face towards the sun and the shadows will fall behind you.”

The proverb encourages us to stay positive and focused, and not get disheartened by the shadows of hardship that may loom.

46. “La verdadera sabiduría de la vida consiste en ver lo extraordinario en lo ordinario.”

“La verdadera sabiduría de la vida consiste en ver lo extraordinario en lo ordinario.” translates to “The true wisdom of life consists of seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary.”

This Spanish quote conveys the essence of appreciating the beauty in everyday life. The appreciation and mindfulness to the moment are highly revered in Spanish and Latin culture.

47. “Crea la vida que no necesites vacaciones de.”

“Crea la vida que no necesites vacaciones de.” translates to “Create a life that you don’t need a vacation from.”

This quote communicates the philosophy of building a life in which work feels like play, and every moment is enjoyable to the point where vacations aren’t begged for.

48. “El éxito consiste en obtener lo que deseas y la felicidad en disfrutar lo que obtenemos.”

“El éxito consiste en obtener lo que deseas y la felicidad en disfrutar lo que obtenemos” translates to “Success is obtaining what you desire and happiness is enjoying what you obtain.”

This Spanish quote distinguishes between success and happiness, delineating the former as reaching goals, whereas the latter is deriving pleasure and contentment from what we acquire. It echoes a recurring theme in Spanish sayings about life.

49. “La gratitud convierte lo que tenemos en suficiente.”

“La gratitud convierte lo que tenemos en suficiente.” translates as “Gratitude turns what we have into enough.”

This Spanish quote reminds us of the magic of gratitude and how it can make us feel content and fulfilled with whatever we possess.

50. “Lo que hagas hoy puede mejorar todos tus mañanas.”

“Lo que hagas hoy puede mejorar todos tus mañanas.” translates to “What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.”

This Spanish saying embodies wisdom on seizing the day and the power of the present moment in shaping a better future.

The wisdom in Spanish quotes and sayings transcend the barriers of language and culture. Use these as a guide, inspiring you to appreciate each day and strive to live your best life. As you keep moving ‘forward in Spanish’, remember to treasure every chapter of your journey, just as the Spanish people do.

Quotes and sayings about happiness in Spanish: Final thoughts

These Spanish quotes serve as reminders of how important it is to maintain a positive outlook, have resilience in the face of adversity, and remain dedicated and persistent on the journey towards success. They teach us to take charge of our destiny, be grateful for what we have, and explore the immense power within us.

The beauty of happiness in Spanish lies in the relaxed, passionate and forward-thinking attitude towards life. The Spanish sayings about life radiate positivity and wisdom, encapsulating values important in the Spanish way of life such as courage, effort, resilience, and gratitude.

Each Spanish quote carries a powerful message, reminding us to embrace every moment, overcome obstacles, strive for our goals, and cherish our achievements. They encourage us to keep moving forward, explore our potential, and maintain a sense of optimism, strength, and faith in the face of challenges.

Whether you are learning Spanish, planning a trip to Spain, or simply seeking inspirational wisdom, these quotes offer not just a peek into the Spanish mindset, but also universally valuable life lessons.

The wisdom inherent in these Spanish quotes and sayings extend beyond the Spanish-speaking world. We can all draw strength, motivation, and comfort from these nuggets of wisdom, regardless of our cultural background or language proficiency. Whether it’s “El éxito no es la clave de la felicidad. La felicidad es la clave del éxito” or “Confía en el tiempo, que suele dar dulces salidas a muchas amargas dificultades,” these quotes remind us that it’s not just about the destination but the journey too.

In the end, whether these Spanish sayings are famous or unknown, each memento delivers unique insights that motivate, uplift, inspire, and stimulate growth. The sheer beauty and simplicity of these quotes affirm the Spanish way of life and its passionate, resilient, and jovial spirit. Take notes, read often, reflect and most importantly ‘come back in Spanish’ (volver en español) to these Spanish quotes of positivity, wisdom, and life.

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